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Regression Therapy

Past Life Regression Therapy

Wed Jan 14 18:04:36 PM

Going back to the past - this process is known as regression.  In meditation,  regression  happens automatically and we see  the past  some times.  However, alternatively, hypnotic  regression is also done to achieve the same.  The hypnotized  subject  sees with his/her third-eye all  the relevant past and past life episodes.  It may be from the immediate past-life or from any other distant past life. The past is the cause, the present is the effect and the future flows from the  present.

Past life regression is based on the foundation of “Soul Science”  and the work in this field falls in the category of Transpersonal Psychology.  Past  life regression accelerates healing transformation and  conscious  evolution in the clients who go through  the session.  Past life regression is a multi dimensional approach which enables us to find out the root cause of a problem and brings out deep and lasting changes. It works simultaneously on the body,  mind, emotions and spirit . It is therefore a holistic process as opposed  to conventional un-dimensional approaches that treat only the symptoms, but are unable to address the root cause. During past life regression sessions, a person experiences altered states of consciousness and reconnects to the root cause of these unwanted patterns  that originated from the past.  Past Life Regression allows the deeply embedded patterns to be released.



Heals repressed memories of trauma experienced during accidents surgeries, childhood, prenatal stage while in the mother’s womb and past lives.

Heals insecurities, anxiety, anger, guilt, shame, depression, panic attacks  fears, phobias, obsessions, addictions, night mares, unexplainable pain , blocked feelings, loss of the life focus etc… 

Heals relationships , difficulties, by going to the root cause and brings about  an understanding Of how the body /Mind connections works.  PLR helps to resolve issues  like  lack of spiritual direction, low energy level , unexplainable  changes in behavior, emotional out  bursts  etc… 

  • Helps   to  reconnect with the purpose of your life. 

  • Helps to overcome the fear of death.

  • Helps to overcome unexplained dissatisfaction in life by bringing about alignment between life purpose on life path.

  • Mind always seeks to complete the unfinished  situation or trauma  experienced in the past. This aspect will be cleared through past life Regression.

  • The final result of past life therapy is to uncover and resolve  all the remaining issues, to eliminate  the unwanted and  unneeded residues and  to achieve and restore perfect peace of body mind and spirit.

  • It heals all the levels of our body, mind, emotions and the spirit as a whole.



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