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Introduction to Naturopathy

Fri Jan 16 16:20:34 PM

The human body is perfect machine made. Self sufficient by the creator. It has got combaters to take decisions and chemical factories in the form of glands to produce chemicals required for the proper working of this machine. The human body has primarily two systems i.e. defensive and reparative to keep the body healthy.According to Naturopaths, germs do not cause disease.  It is instead, the disease which leads to germs. The aim of Naturopathy is to cleanse the body, rebuild the person and teach him to live in harmony with his self and environment. In this way, Naturopathy becomes a way of life. Under the circumstance, if the imbalance of the five elements is the main cause of the problems, that balance must first be restored in natural way. 

The five elements are:  akash, air, fire, water and earth. Supplemented through food, life force energy, air, can be corrected by exercise , fire by colour therapy, Water by hydrotherapy, and earth by Mud therapy,  In the midst of all these actions “Mind Power”, is really the main miracle element. You have faith in your ability to get over the problem, that faith alone will do more than half the trick. Gandhiji called this faith “Ram Naam” holistic healing- respect the body’s ability to heal itself.  Naturopathy offers cure for a whole person not for a particular disease only.  Naturopathy believes  that the body has the inherent ability to heal itself with the help of its vital force.


Conventional medicine recognizes illness as a pattern of tests and symptoms  That leads to the diagnosis of a named disease .  It is normally assumed that  diseases will have identifiable causes, for example infection injuries and  chemical imbalances in the body. Oriental medicine believes that disease is brought about by different means -  internal causes ( the emotion ) External causes  (the  weather) and various other causes such as bacteria, viruses , drugs, pollutions and diet.  Modern complimentary medicine sees disease as a state that result from  physical, emotional,mental or spiritual imbalances which cause you to be ill at ease with some aspects of yourself - causes could include such thing as negative thinking , an addictive personality or other behavioural traits. Nature and Neo –Nature the quality of life depends above all on our relationships to the rest of creation the earth, the plant, the animal and our fellow man.  A Naturopath recognizes micro- as a product of disease rather than a cause.  The impurities in the body and mind cause the disease.  If the natural functions are not carried on properly, waste morbid matter remains in the body and become a fruitful source of disease. We swallow a lot of objectionable drugs and chemicals which damage the body. Disease is the natural consequence of our own wrong actions.

Foreign substances introduced   into the body in the form of food-drink-medicine- vaccines are the symptoms of a morbid condition of unhealthy being. All the diseases in the world are the inevitable consequences of our offences against the loss of nature in our mode of life.



Naturopathy is a natural healing technique using the healing powers of nature. The principle of Naturopathy is that the accumulation of toxins is the root cause of all diseases. Prevention and elimination of toxins is the route to health. Treatments are based on the 5 great elements of nature that have immense healing properties. There is no role of internal medications in the nature cure system.

Multi disciplinary approach uses the healing power of natural resources like foods, herbs, earth, water, air, sun and magnets to allow the body to heal itself. It helps in degenerative and chronic conditions like asthma and arthritis, gastro-intestinal problems and hypertension


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