Lotus is the creator of your destiny


Our Services

The most Comprehensive treatments for your Health, the natural way “Nature Cures not the physican Hippocrates” Best opportunity to create a new happy, healthy and prosperous life with Lotus, is the creator of your destiny.

Treatments & Course Offered

Hypnosis >> Hypnotherapy >> Regression Therapy>> Past Life Regression Therapy >>
Age Regression Therapy >> Spirit Releasement Therapy >> Melchizedek Method >> Gaiadon Heart >>
Magnified Healing >> Adolescence >> Yoga >> Colour Therapy >>
Psychotherapy >> Christos Healing >> Angel Therapy >> Meditation >>
Crystal Healing >> Reiki and Karuna Reiki >> Pranic Healing >> Counselling >>
Physiotherapy >> Electrolysis >> Acupressure >> Naturopathy >>




Today we are living in a world that has opened the doors to exciting marvelous in technology , Buildings are rising higher and artificial islands are springing within oceans. Fascinating technologies such as blue tooth ,3G ,Wi Fi, Robots have excited us and now human cloning is approaching towards reality.Standard of living is constantly improving the materialistic world is developing and advancing a great pace. All credits to us , the humans. However on one hand as humanity takes a leap forward, one hand as humanity Mars, unfortunately at the same time mental stress ailments, disorders and disabilities also leap forwards at a tremendous intensity. A noticeable rise has been recorded in the stress levels in the human kind. Surprisingly even successful and various mental traumas like depression, feeling of worthlessness. Sleeping disorders additions, stress, concentration problems, negative thinking, no control over thoughts and emotions, business related stress problems or relationship and personal life problems, the issues are many and different but the root of all these is the same, the cause : Inability to have control over the mind. We have a mind but instead of being the master of our mind, we have actually turned out to be its slaves. Authority over mind is a must, not only for ascending the ladder of a better future but also for achieving success in our day to day practical life. Once we rule our mind, happiness and peace comes as a natural consequence.

I am responsible

The young people , the adolescence must understand and learn the responsibility and learn that I am responsible. I can see myself either as an important, valuable and interesting person, or someone who is unloved and unneeded. I can be kind loving helpful, loyal, and compassionate, or I can be lazy mean and disloyal. I can be happy free and successful or feel unimportant and less valuable than others. I must learn responsible for my decisions and action and must be willing to accept The consequences they bring.Before every important decision I must say to myself “what should I do” Will I injure myself or others? Is this in line with my beliefs and values? I am willing to accept all the consequences’? In every situations I choose to treat myself and others with dignity, respect, and kindness. I am responsible. The hope of every nation is its children. We have an opportunity to touch the lives of young people every day. If we help, guide young people they become productive citizens and make a real difference through our caring, understanding, guidance and teaching . Our children need the self confidence that comes from recognizing and building on their strengths. They also need the insight to handle their emotions

Special programme for Adolescence and youth

The major goals of the skills for adolescence are :

  • To involve the family, Schools staff, and community in supporting the healthy development and success of all young people .
  • To help young adolescents to develop positive behaviors, such as self discipline, good judgment, responsibility , and getting along with others.
  • To help young adolescence develop positive commitments to their families schools, peers and commitments.
  • To provide opportunities for young adolescents to practice good citizenship through corporation and service to others
  • To celebrate diversity and encourage respect for self and others
  • To help young adolescence resist negative pressures and grow up drug free skills for adolescence
  • Building Self discipline, responsibility and self confidence
  • Communicating effectively and cooperating with others
  • Managing attitudes and emotions
  • Strengthening positive relationship with family and peers
  • Learning /developing skills in solving problems and making healthy decisions.
  • Resisting negative peer pressure and drug use
  • Thinking critically
  • Setting goals for healthy living
  • Providing service to others
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