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Tue Apr 21 11:53:46 AM



School difficulties range from minor to severe, might be very short-lived or last for longer. Even short-term school problems can have a negative impact on how young people feel about school-and themselves. Ups and downs are part of life for many young people. A good relationship with your child's school and teachers can help you head off problems. If school problems do come up, it's important that you quickly recognise and address them. 


School problems can show up as poor academic performance, lack of motivation for school, loss of interest in school work, or poor relationship with peers or teachers. School problems can also lead to an increased risk of dropping out. They might make children more likely to avoid school and less likely to want to go to school. Poor academic performance is connected with negative long-term consequences such as an increased risk of absenteeism, leaving school early and being less likely to undertake further education or training.   


School constitutes a large part of an adolescent's existence. Difficulties in almost any area of life often manifest as school problems.




*  Fear of going to school.

*  Absenteeism without permission.

*  Dropping out.

*  Academic underachivement.

*  Rebellion and a need for independence.

*  Mental health disorders, such as anxiety or depression.

*  substance use (Drugs or alcohol)

*  Family conflict.

*  Learning disorders.

*  Behavior disorders.

*  Drop in marks in one or more subjects.

*  Lack of engagement, connection or involvement with school they may

    not be interested in activities or have very few friends.

*  Embarrassment or discomfort when talking about school.

*  Refusal to talk with you about school, or rarely talking about school with 

    family or friends.

*   Resisting to doing homework, or rarely talking about homework.

*  Low confidence or lack of self -esteem

*  Excuses not to go to school or skipping school without your knowledge.

*  Attention or behavior problems.


It is important to pick up school problems early, if existing problems aren't picked up and addressed early, they can have significant, long-term consequences. School problems  can also lead to increased risk of dropping out. They might make children more likely to avoid school and less likely to want to go to school. Poor academic performance is connected.


Adolscents with a learning disability or mild intellectual disability that was not recognized early in life, causes school problems. Generally speaking, blaming the School or your child's techer won't do any good. As much as ispossible, work with school administrators and teachers. Partner with them instead of making an adversary out of them. Communicate regularly with the school.


Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD ) is a poor or short attenention span and/or excessive activity and impulsiveness inapproproate for the child's age that interferes with functioning or development.  The learning disorders which typically begin earlier inchildhood, may continue to cause school problems for adolescents. Some children mainly have difficulty with sustained attention, concentration, and ability to complete tasks; some children are overactive and impulsive; some are both.




*  Cronic illness.

*  Intellectual or cognitivedisability.

*  Behavioural or developmental difficulties or disorders.

*  Mental health issues such as depression or anxiety.

*  experiences of trauma.

*  Difficulties with self-esteem, communication skills or social skills.

*  Difficulties with listening, concentrating or sitting still.


Getting help with  school problemes at school, some young people with attenton problems, high levels of anxiety,or impulsive or aggressive behaviour are at greater risk of difficulties at school. This is because they might find it harder to adapt to adapt to the demands of the classroom setting, or they might find it difficult to concentrate during tasks and teacher instructions. There is also a strong link between physical health and academic performance. Some children who have special needs restulting from chronic illnes, itellectial disability might be more risk of developing academic problems or difficulties with relationships at school.


If problems do come up, you can get help from school staff as well as your GP and other health professionals.









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