Acupressure is a traditional Chinese medicine bodywork technique based on the same ideas as acupuncture. It involves placing physical pressure, by hand, elbow, or with the aid of various devices, on different pressure points on the surface of the body (which may be far distant from the symptom, related by what is called the meridian system) to bring about relief through greater balance and circulation of fluids (blood, lymph) and metabolic energies in the body.
Acupressure is an ancient art using the fingers to gradually press key healing points which stimulate the body’s natural self curative abilities. Acupressure was developed in Asia over 5000 years ago using the power and sensitivity of the hand. Acupressure Therapy is effective in the relief of stress related ailments and is ideal for self treatment and preventive health care for boosting the immune system. Acupressure releases circulation, reduces pain, and develop spirituality and vibrant health. For a pressure point references and self care guide for common complaints A to Z. Acupressure and Acupuncture use the same pressure points and meridians, but acupuncture employs needless, while Acupress uses gentle to firm finger pressure. When these acupressure points are stimulated they release muscular tension, promote circulation of blood and enhance the body’s life force energy to aid healing Acupressure Therapy can be used to relieve pain, fortify the sexual reproductive system detoxify the body for greater health and beauty and tone facial and back muscles.
1. Relieving pain and balancing body energy
2. Maintaining good health
3. Reduces muscular tension
4. Increases circulation
5. Enables deep relaxation by relieving stress.
6. Strengthens resistance disease and promote wellness.
7. Learn self care applications and pressure point formulates for specific conditions such as chronic fatigue,Chronic Mental stress, addition recovery .
8. Learning disorders, trauma emotional imbalances.