In age regression, one is taken backwards through the present life time to the events that occurred the present time in the mothers womb . All the experiences of the subject are recorded in the subconscious mind. The consciousness of the soul records all the experiences , feelings, thoughts and the memories of traumatic experiences. Memories that are unknown to conscious mind right now can be triggered. For many emotional and physical problems such as rejection , loneliness, grief, relationship problems , separation, anxiety, headaches, paranoia, sinus problem, allergy, child abuse etc,the cause root can be traced out.
For Age regression the first stage is to keep the patient in a pleasent state of relaxation, then allow him to reach the conscious mind in to an altered state, so that the subconscious mind will be alert to activate and explore the root cause of his sickness or problem, the subconscious mind is taken back to the past by means of regression. For Example, a man aged 35 years is taken back to the age of 2 and all the happenings that wounded hismindare studied. The root cause of his present sufferings lies there. After identifying the caause, the Hypnotherapist adopts suitable suggestions that are to be recorded by the subconscious to get rid of these sufferings. No treatment will be successful without knowing the cause if the disease. The finding of the cause of disease is more important for the treatment , so if the mind is cleared of its confusion then it becomes calm and the sikness disappears without drugs and its worst side effects. Automnomous nervous system works under the control of subconcious mind. Hence when the subconcious mind is affeced Psy hosomatic diseases are formed. Since thesuffering is in the mind no drugscure the . The affected mind has totreated to get rid of the physical illness.
Many of the problems involving self worth, poor image and lack of sense have their root cause in events occurred during one's early childhood. Many of our personality traits and physical and emotional problems can be traced to experiences in the mother's womb and also during the process of giving birth. Birth trauma's are carried from all the previous lives. The fetus can see, hear, experience, taste, learn and feel in the mother’s womb.
The minds of children from birth to early teens. particularly during the preschool years, are very susceptible to programing. During those years the brain operates on the same dominant frequencies which are achieved during conventional hypnosis. Therefore, a child's mind is extremely open and vulnerable to suggestion. It will accept as fact. without using any logic or reason, any information presented, particularly that which is repeated severl times. Recent research even indicates that a baby's mind is affected by music, voices and other outside sounds and conditions during the last few months of pregnancy.
Many of the problems involving poor self-image and lack of sence of self-worth can be traced to happenings during those sensitive ages. Things as varied as health problems, some learning problems, eating disorder, failure patterns, phobias and behaviour problems can be the result of thoughtless words and actions directed toward young children. Likewise, success, positive attitudes and self-confidence can be the result of positive attitude expressed to young children
1. Age regression is to reframe the negative feelings and perceptions ofthe past to facilitate progress towads the patients goals.
2. It allows patients to find the cause of their current blocks for their subconscious mind to be accessed
3. Hypnotic age regression allowes for patients to reframe and purge their unnecessary behaviors.
4. You can remember an event from your past. You may prevented yourself from experiencing some emotion connected to an event in your past, and as you think about it in the present, you find it disturbing, lacking confidence, anxious and so on. Your hypnotherapist may regress you to that time and allow you to remember that event, or how you respond to it.
5. You want to access a good feeling from your past.
6. Regression enables you to gain insight into what has gone before. And with insight comes a measure of control over your symptom.
Using Past life regression, we are able to help the individual to recall, relive, release and resolve. Suffering and damages caused, block the success till end of their life. When you are aware of your past life experience, you can recall and take advantage of the strength, knowledge and wisdom that you have acquired in other lifetimes, and use those things to help your life today.