Yoga brings great synchronization between mind, body and soul. Today Yoga is not any art or science but considered as a technology full of moves to keep you happy and healthy. It is one of the oldest practices to maintain the body and mind in good shapes. Yoga brings intense calmness and stability to several minds of its followers. It comprises of various moves, breathing exercises and meditation which fetch immense power to mental and physical health. Various studies have shown that it is the complete panacea for all types of diseases.
Yoga is ancient philosophy of life as well as a system of exercise that encourages the union of mind, body and spirit. The ultimate aim of yoga is to achive a state of balance and harmoney between mind and body. There is evidence that yoga was practised as early as 5000 years ago, although the first written description is found in the yoga sutras, a book from the second century B.C. The yoga sutrasdescribe a multifold path to spiritual enlightment that includes Hatha yoga, the system of physical exercise that is most often followed by western yoga combines deep breathing, physical postures known as asanas, and meditation practised widely by people of all ages, hatha yoga is often recommanded for stress reduction and as a way to improve overall health and well being.
Yoga is an ancient Indian technique of integrating Human personalityat the physical, mental, moral and intellectual levels by means of Yogic Kriyas, Yogasanas, Pranayama, Chitta Shudhi and Yoga Nidra. The aim of yoga is to achieve a perfect balance between the body mind, and complete harmony between the individual and the cosmos. Yoga is also a process of educating the total personality.
Maharshi Patanjali defines Yoga as the control of the thought waves in the mind and is a way of life.To live a life beyond the consciousness of body, mind and intellect is the ultimate aim of Yoga.
Today, we can claim that we are modern and civilized but cannot claim that we are genuinely healthy and happy, for sleep we depend on tranquillizers, sedatives and addicted to intoxicative drugs, our youth is led to the path of disgrace and self-destruction. Human values are declining, competition and commotion have made us suffer from stress and strain. Mental stress or strain producess undesirable consequences as physical as well as psycological diseases.
Yogic Management and Curative value of Yogic Kriyas, Asanas, Pranayama and relaxation technique for Tension, stress, irritability,depression, anxiety, insomnia, sleeplessness, Indigestion, gastro-intestinal diseases,Asthma, Liver disorer, Bronchitis, Allergic-Rhinitis, Sinusities,Headache, Migraine, Hypertension, Nervous debility,Arthritis, Rheumatism, Cervical and Lumber spondylosis, Gastric and Duodenal Ulcer, Skin diseases,Hyper acidity, Menstual disorders, Obesity, Week memory, Height for children,
The patient is asked to practise yoga according to his desease and bodly conditions. In a majority of the case, a regular practice of only a few asanas is enough for curing the diseases. In some of diseases the practice of Pranayama together with the asanas becomes essential for good results. In certain cases, specific kriyas such as bandhas, mudras and certain yogic techniques are used for the desired result. Besides these, practice of concerntration and meditation is also necessary in certain cases.
In order to obtain the fullest benefit of yoga, one must practice it daily in a proper way. Since Yoga is a scientific system it requires to be done in specified manner.